Wednesday 12 September 2012

Wishcasting Wednesday - Reflections

Another Wishcasting Wednesday over at Jamie Ridler Studios - and Jamie's prompt this week -

What do you wish to reflect on?

Pic from

I love to read the take of the other wishcasters and like to think that my added wishes help to get things moving out there in the universe.

So what do I wish to reflect on?  My initial reaction to this was that I don't particularly want to reflect on anything.  I am all about letting go and moving on.  I have well and truly worn out that return ticket of dwelling on the past.  But then I took a breath and thought - it's not about dwelling but reflecting - which in a way goes along with the mindfulness approach I have been trying to live by - in getting some headspace every day.

So I ask myself again - what do I wish to reflect on - and the answer brings more of a smile.  I wish to reflect on the happy times and those times that have brought me a feeling of fulfilment and worth in order that I can realise what brought that feeling to me and I can recreate it in other ways.

Keep on casting those wishes - and as you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.


Catherine at The MacsX


  1. As Catherine wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  2. I love this, reflecting on the good things is so beautiful. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also x

  3. Beautiful, beautiful wish, Catherine - as you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!



  4. Thank you Lucy, Jo and Tanja - wishing you everything you wish for yourselves and more. Cx



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