Sunday, 10 June 2012

Not the Usual Sunday BS

Something a little different as I'm doing CRAFTfest this week

So far the only 'Sales' I'm seeing are the ones on the poster - but I remain upbeat and positive.  Which is a miracle in itself after the low frequency this week has had.  It is early days however and who knows what the rest of the week may bring.

A quick review of my goals, because I do have goals for this event, a comment by Rebecca at Shiny Pigeon on the #cbuk tweetchat last Sunday reminded me that they are a good idea, and a pretty sound base for doing anything.  So my original goal was to make £££ worth of sales, my gut is telling me that is not going to happen.  My gut is also telling me that this only cost me a fiver so I'm looking at it as a big craft party and a way of getting to know all the other lovely crafters out there.

My secondary goal is a little, if not a lot, deeper.  It's around finding my passion and launching my first 'No Rules Creative Runway' in September.  I've already found my passion.  As gorgeous as the pieces on my stall, and so in my  Etsy shop are they don't really do it for me.   The pieces that make me smile and get the old ticker going are the pieces that lie unfinished in my studio and the pieces floating around in my notebook, crying out to be given life and to help me embrace me authentic journey.

So, this time next week I'll be revealing my newfound resurrected passion and inviting you all to a whole new experience....

I might as well warn you now - there will be more CRAFTfest in the interim.

'My Craftfest Stall' by TheMacsX

I realise the idea of treasuries is that you are spreading the love and highlighting other great artists.This is being created solely for use on my blogpost as it's the easiest way I can think of to showcase my pieces.

















Also looking forward to #cbuk  9pm tonight =  'Non spammy blog traffic boosting ideas' and calling in on the #CRAFTfest tweetfest around 7pm - going to be tweetered out by 10.

Have a happy week

Catherine @ The MacsX

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