Tuesday 5 June 2012

Have You Ever Seen A Dangeroo

A number of years ago I was on a break with my aunt in the North of Scotland.  We visited a wildlife park where the animals seemed to be quite sparse.  Honestly we were beginning to wonder if they actually had any animals at all.  We were wondering along aside one of the fenced areas when we came across a sign that led us to our hunt for dangeroos.  I should point out that part of the reason for my taking this break was for some dearly needed stress relief.

And so we spent a good 5-10 minutes wandering along the boundary trying to catch sight of this 'new' animal - wondering whether it was like a kangeroo only smaller and definitely good at hiding.  Then suddenly it clicked and I went into kinks of laughter - it turns out that we weren't looking for 'dangeroos' at all but that we weren't to feed the animals, whatever they may be, because they were 'dangerous'.

This is one of those stories that comes out whenever a good laugh is needed.  It is a story I've told more than twice and I'm sure it'll be told again.  I still kind of like the idea of a 'dangeroo', think I'll save it for a future children's book.

Happy Bank Holiday Tuesday - how often do you get to say that?

Catherine @ The MacsX

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