The notebook I had before my current one cost me £1.99 from Asda it was square ruled and had a black hard bound cover and it was a favourite. So much so that when it came time to let it go I found myself searching for space that I maybe hadn't used as well as I could have with sticky notes highlighting pages all over the shop I just found it really difficult to let go.
There's the plain and simple change phenomenon, changing to another book is just not the same. Duh. And I had decided that I am not buying anything new whilst I have a stock of available notebooks I have built up over the years. A slight addiction to stationery I believe is very common amongst creatives.
There is the fact that said notebook was my first of 2012 and it is filled with a lot of a-ha moments and highlighted product ideas, business building ideas, quotes from my recently gathered virtual creative clan. It is the book that shows my authentic breakthrough. It is a pretty powerful book.
And there is the fact that it just felt right. It was just the right size, had a handy pocket at the back and although it held a decent number of pages it was pretty lightweight - notebooks can play havoc with the weight of a girl's shoulder bag.
I have finally said adieu to my little black book. I know I will revisit it, perhaps at a time that it will not have the same magical hold over me. And as much as I have put a stop to my stationery addiction I am sure that if I ever see one in Asda (or anywhere else for that matter) again I'll find it difficult to resist. I did see a similar one in Waterstones the other day but at £9.99 I just wasn't willing to fall off the waggon.
Despite what the title of this blog may suggest I am not advocating the abolition of notebooks just my letting this one go.
Catherine @ The MacsX
Hi I use to be like that with my diary but then my daughter bought me a FiloFax :) maybe that would be an Idea for a swap a Note book swap. :) hope you find a suitable one soon