I enjoyed the video for Austin Kleon's talk on 'Steal Like a Writer', lots of hints for putting writing pieces together, highlighting how important words are and that they can come from almost anywhere.
Crafty Creatives have been highlighted on a few blogs recently, not least of all Claireabellemakes, it's a really great idea, each month you receive a box of crafty stuff to create away to your heart's desire. I have swithered over trying this out - to try out some different creative talents. However, one of the tasks I've given myself over the next week or so is to sort out all my creative stocks and just looking through my collection I think I could make up my own boxes for a while. So I'm filing Crafty Creatives in my Tools notebook on Evernote and may well start to use them once my stocks run out.
The post from Story of Telling on drawing the line was so simple and but just summed up my whole outlook on creativity -it's all about drawing your own lines. And LightboxSF called out the whole thing about 'not having enough time' is total bs. Bang goes my excuse for all the things I've not done this week.
Plays with Needles did a great piece on Fall 2012 fashion, highlighting the needlework trend coming through. And this just reinforced my feeling that my new product range - all will be revealed here on Wednesday.
Meanwhile Christmas in July continues over at my Etsy Shop.
A week of wonder to all
Catherine at The MacsX
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