Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Wishcasting Wednesday - Lots of Love

Over at Jamie Ridler Studios today the thought for the day is :

Who do you wish to give (or send) a hug?

heartfelt - soon to be embroidered badges
My gut reaction to this one was 'me'.  Now to some that may seem a little selfish, or even a lot, but for me it is a major breakthrough.  I've been my worst critic for the majority of my grown up life and am now working on mending those fences.

Invoking the magic of 'three'  I send out 3 hugs - the first already given, the second to all the lovely people out there in the world's creative community, and the third to everyone I hold dear - just one big collective and heartfelt hug.

A Wonderful Wishcasting Week to all.

Catherine at The MacsX





  1. {{{Adding my hug to you}}}
    Lovely embroidery piece.
    As Catherine wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  2. I love your answer! Loving ourselves is a tough lesson for us to learn while on earth.
    ********WISHCASTING GROUP HUG*********

    1. Thanks Cindy - hope all your wishes come true. Cx

  3. {{{ hug to you }}} As Catherine wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    1. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also Lucy. And an extra big hug to you - be kind to yourself. Cx

  4. {{{hugs}}} As you wish for yourself, so too do I wish for you.

  5. A late visitor from Handmade Monday, but I got to see your lovely embroidery! Have alovely week, Jo x

  6. Thanks Jo, I'm loving your gingerbread men they look sweet enough to eat. Cx

  7. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Catherine - I am so thrilled that your gut reaction was YOU!!! But all hail & merry-meet to the power of 3 (((( hugs ))))

    As Catherine wishes for herself, so I wish for her also x

    PS thank you, thank you, for the wonderful surprise that arrived on my doorstop this morning - you have no idea how much that has lifted my spirits this week, after a very emotional week xxx

    1. Thanks Callie glad your prize brought some light to your week. Cx



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