Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Treasury of Abundance

As planned I've added another 6 items to my Etsy Shop.  Today's pieces are all bright and have been created from ribbon and findings from my many years of crafting.

In an attempt to connect with my fellow Etsians I have created my first treasury - Authentic Upcycled and Recycled pieces that all called out their va va voom as I searched through the beautifully authentic pieces available on Etsy.   Each piece called to me they are all gorgeous in their uniqueness and in their own way create a gorgeous Pinterest Board.  So much so I created a board especially for them.

On this weeks financial quest I spent quite a while today researching abundance and money and managing my resources.  I believe that I am on my way to making peace and intend to try to find my abundance blocks and claim my own already available abundance.  On Thursday night, more like Friday morning I'll embark on the on line event to discover my unlimited abundance.  I'll let you know how it goes.  And just what gets unblocked.

From my sketchbook today

I also looked at a few other abundance tools and have confirmed the conclusion the it's not so much money management I need as self management.  I'm not really into the 'fast buck' from blanket on line advertising, although thanks for the offers via social media - authenticity is key for me.

So onward I go.

Catherine @ The MacsX

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