Sunday 13 May 2012

The Usual Sunday BS

So, what's been happening this week?

I realised that my money mindset has really shifted, tuned into the CBUK tweet on Sunday evening when someone suggested giveaways could be good for increasing comments and traffic, my initial response was traffic and comments don't make $$.  Yes and strangely enough I do seem to think in dollar signs - possibly to do with the pinterest pricing process.

I met some great people this week Marie Forleo I had already met but this week she introduced me to the Spirit Junkie, Gabrielle Bernstein.  The part of me I call "Authentica" Gabriella calls 'ing', the inner guide.  And together they clarified that 'there's always enough time if you're willing to create it.  And I so want to go to B-School.  Check out how much in the video below.

This was my first attempt at video - it's certainly not perfect but I figure perfection is overrated anyways.

In keeping with time Jamie Ridler interviewed Marney Makridakas author of 'Creating Time' and just reinforced all the learning of my previous week with Marney's Time Workshop.  I am definitely paying a lot more attention to my favourite clock these days.

A really restful part of this week was the retreat to Molokai with Julie Daley and Unabashedly Female a beautiful island and an even more beautiful retreat - highly recommended.

I downloaded the audio version of The Firestarter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte.  I had kind of got used to the Steven Hawkingesque female voice on my kindle but Danielle definitely tells it better.  I'm now on my third read and still learning something new, or unearthing some teaching from long ago.

The traffic - albeit profitless so far - to my web site this past week has been phenomenal.  Keep your eyes peeled for the new '"stuff" being added this week.

And my word for the week - I'm liking the idea of being a "multi-passionate entrepreneur" and of being "blessed" I definitely feel as though I have been "endowed with divine favour and protection"(as per the Oxford dictionary.  Also I'm liking the idea of going "mondo beyondo" as per the Roots of She this week and dreaming my wildest dreams.  But the winner this week is "Clarity" after much seeking and searching I have come to the conclusion that the key gift I deliver in The Green Room is Clarity.  Now that I know what it is boy have I got some ideas about how I'm going to use it.  More on that in days and weeks and hopefully years to come.

Oh and finally  Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there - I know we've already celebrated in the UK but being a mother is something worth celebrating every day.

Catherine @ The MacsX

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