Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Usual Sunday B.S.

Well, it's been an exciting week. I got in touch with my core feelings and learnt/reinforced a lot of "stuff", met some new people and basically had a good time.  Am feeling really psyched about this coming week - but more on that at the end.

This is about what's happened this week

I started the week with my first twitter chat on CraftBlogUK I highly recommend this to all crafters out there.  anyone in any doubt of what you can get out of these things should check out the blog at Divine Choice Creations and you can get the word on Giveaways and Competitions tonight at 9pm GMT (#cbuk).  I really enjoyed the chat last week and will be tuning in tonight.

On my journey round the blogosphere this week I learnt a new word 'autodidactic', it means self taught and I believe describes so many artists.  Definitely one I'll be using from here on in when describing myself.   Got to tune into Austin Kleon's talk at Google, this definitely brought out the 'creative cleptomaniac' in me.  Danielle LaPorte's Huff Post firestarter moments continue to brighten my day and Getting Some Headspace has definitely become a key part of my day.

I am seriously trying to become a morning person, if for no other reason than to follow Austin Kleon's idea of 'they can't take it away from you if you've already done it'.   So I'm definitely getting some creative stuff into the early part of my day from here on in.

Went through a bit of a grey patch in the middle of the week - possibly something to do with whatever's in the water or full moons but the light is now well and truly back on - and thanks to everyone who 'understood'.  This highlighted a whole other blog post topic of wearing awareness ribbons - but that is definitely for another day.


I discovered numerous UFOs this week - that's UnFinished Objects and will be showcasing some in my Etsy shop this week and introducing a different kind of swap idea on my web site this week - that's right the sheeny shiny all singing dancing and yeehahing will be up and running tomorrow.

And the major highlight of this week - the manifestation of my Authentic Fit book jacket - it is looking great and very sheeny shiny for it's official September issue.

So, lots to do, see and learn this coming week and beyond.

Catherine @ The MacsX

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for mentioning my blog. The #cbuk tweetchat is definitely educational and fun. I'm learning stuff from your blog too - now I know the word 'autodidactic' and what it means! Brilliant!



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