Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Usual Sunday BS with a Full Corn Moon

It's been a good week I've finally got everything sorted out in my Etsy shop and feel like I have my studio in order.  Although now that I've looked at my shop I think an updated banner might be in order.

I've already got my list together for the coming week.  I'm going to tidy up things here on my blog.  This week is going to be all about creativity - putting together all the pieces I've had in the sidelines for a while.  I am really looking forward to being creative this week and to sticking to a 'schedule'.  I finally have a schedule put together and even more importantly I feel like I have found my niche - ribbons and embroidery and in some cases both together.

So a busy week ahead, and to set it up nicely a Full Moon Dream Board:

original graphic by Fussel

And now I'm off to enjoy #cbuk - hopefully get some pointers in how to build things up.

Have a great week everyone

Catherine at The MacsX


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Saturday Sunshine - Just for Fun


Have a great weekend.

Catherine at The MacsX

Four Seasons/Pins for Friday

Four of my favourite pins for this week

coffee and vanilla (I'm definitely trying this) and a Halloween Lantern.

You can check out all of my current likes here.

Happy Happy Friday

Catherine at The MacsX

Thursday's Thoughtful Thread - Getting Organised

I have spent most of this week getting myself organised.  I've updated my Etsy Shop, even sorted out my About Page, polices etc.  It took longer than I had anticipated, especially as I got a system going of updating Etsy, Creative Connections, Facebook and organising my hoot schedule for twitter.

 I do realise that I can't just post all of this stuff and wait for the sales to come in.  But I do feel a lot more organised now.  I've organised my blog schedule, my hoot schedule and a lot of creative stuff which I have really been missing of late.

So I now feel like I'm back on track.  I have unfortunately missed on on some tweet chat on #cbuk, I was not watching Downtown Abbey on Sunday I was editing, editing, editing - so much so that I even missed the Downtown replacement on Wednesday - it's really not the same catching up on your own.  At least I now feel organised enough to pencil the chats in without too much danger of them being passed over.

from Craftblog UK
In a way my missing the tweet chat has been due to the good influence it has been on me in helping me get my act together and put some structure to my blog and in turn my creative endeavours.  Thank you #cbuk and all the lovely bloggers I meet there on a regular basis.  If you haven't already why not check it out I learn something new (sometimes many new things) every time.

So thinking for this week over - now time for some doing.

Catherine at The MacsX

Wishcasting Wednesday - Wish for Fall

It's that time of the week again - 'Wishcasting' time. And the prompt provided by Jamie Ridler today was "What's your Fall Wish?"

And mine

I wish to introduce my art and creativity to the world and for it to flourish in the perfect way.

As all the other wishcasters out there wish for themselves I wish for them also.

Catherine at The MacsX


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